
Friday, April 28, 2006

Podcast #9: Spirtuality and grief

How your spiritual instincts show up in the face of grief -- yours or others. If you have faced grief you know how difficult words can be.

Listen to my podcast on this topic here.

Podcast #8: Dealing with personal pain

Do you remember a time of great personal pain? Many of us are wounded but for some the wounds seem to get in the way of personal relationships.

Listen to my podcast on this topic here.

Podcast #7: Lifeless marriages

Do you ever wonder why so many marriages seem lifeless, boring or even deeply troubled? How many marriages do you know that would make a good model for your own marriage? Marriage needs a whole new way of imagining its promise, its richness, and its complexity.

Listen to my podcast on this topic here.

Podcast #6: Chronic arguments with your teenager

Do you find yourself having the same argument over and over again with your teenaged child? Teens like to challenge authority, but in order to speak with authority, you have to know a few basic things.

Listen to my podcast on this subject here.

Podcast #5: I don't want to talk about it

Avoiding conflict is a major relationship destroyer. Try taking a step back and say something else to defuse the situation.

Listen to my podcast here on this topic.

Podcast #4: Finishing each other's sentences

My wife is so bright she thinks she knows what I am going to say before I finish saying it. Anticipation of what our partner is going to do or say is a relationship stopper. It helps you to listen and to discover who they are.

Listen to my podcast on this subject here.

Podcast #3: Seeing eye to eye with your spouse

Do you and your spouse always see eye to eye? The way we "see" the world absolutely forms the way we talk about important matters. The way men are conditioned to fantasize about sex is hugely different than the way women imagine it.

Lisen to my podcast on this topic here.

Podcast #2: Fighting about money

Have you ever had a fight with your spouse about money ? Fights about finances are one of the most common challenges that couples face. But the trick is how to look into yourself and understand your own fears.

Listen to my podcast here.

Welcome to The Marriage Conversation

Welcome to the Marriage Conversation podcasts.

Listen to my first podcast here